Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just a thought ...

Now don't get me wrong I am very liberal and all about gay rights. If you really want to get married HAVE AT IT!!! Shit marriage isn't for everyone and if they want to give it a go, POWER TO THE PEOPLE! VOTE NO TO PROP 8!! So now that I got that out of the way ... I stick my tongue out to all of you!! Stop being so sensetive and leave Barack Obama alone!! Seriously he is making some wonderful choices for our country and he is lining up all the right people to make a real "CHANGE" in the country. Barack is not picking him to be his spiritual leader .. he is just going to deliver the invocation! Damn it! Let's look at the positive things that Rev. Warren has done and support "Warren, one of the most influential religious leaders in the nation, has championed issues such as a reduction of global poverty, human rights abuses and the AIDS epidemic." -CNN Not all people can agree 100% on everything. Not everyone can be perfect. How boring would it be if everyone agreed? What would we talk about? What would we argue about? If you don't agree and you still don't want Rev. Warren .. fine let's call up good ole Rev. Write I am sure that he would LOVE to give the invocation! Because really what is the Inaguration about anyways .. umm .. hmm ... BARACK AND HIS CHOICES!!

I'm just sayin ...

And here is yet another christmas knit that I probably won't get done ... bah hum bug!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Funniest Political Moment of 2008 ...

definitely by far has to be today's incident with President Bush .. he had shoes thrown at him!! HAHAHAHA!!!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My two favorite things ...

Art .. Yarn .. Protesting .. Knitting .. Colbert .. need I say any more? I found this and thought I would share because it is SO FREAKIN AWESOME!! HAHA!! Enjoy.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Inspiration ..

What inspires you? Is it the light of the sun .. the color of a flower .. the look in someone's eye's .. the newest fashion magazine .. the glimps of the commercial. An artist is inspired everyday in every way.

My creative soul mate

What is the definition of soul mate? Is it two soul's bound together by past, present, and future? Or is it two people that mirror each other and have a true understanding for one another?

All I can tell you what it is to me. He picks me up when I am down .. he puts the bug in my ear to start a new project. He doesn't mind being surrounded by yarn .. or constantly sitting on my "work in progress". When I come up with a new idea he challenges it to be better. Most importantly of all he supports me 100% of the time, as I do for him. He is a musician destined for fame and fortune. I encourage him every step of the way. He says mainstream, I say big city lights in the sky. He really gets me and I him. I can tell when he is working on a new idea .. the look he gets in his eye .. he is visualizing it. I think that it is really a gift to see something in your mind and make it become real. That is true creativity. Well enough mushy gushy about my life. I suppose I just wanted to share because I feel so lucky and so blessed to share something really special with someone.

First Official Blog ...

AHH so many things have been going on in my life. If only I could get a grip of a bit of the insanity .. would be nice huh? So many things good and bad .. the up's and down's. I try to balance it out in my Zen world of knitting. : ) It makes me so happy! I love to create and come up with patterns and whip out quick little projects and slowly add more and more to my bigger projects. I have 4 to 5 projects going on at one time. I particularly love hats! Hat's of every size shape and color .. they are so quick and SO fun! A creative mind is really truly a gift! Some people just don't get it or just don't have it! Well I just wanted to have a quick little post for today. I have so many projects with the holiday's around and I am trying to get all my stuff on Etsy I should be knitting rather than blogging but hey who's counting right?