Saturday, February 7, 2009

What is your motivation?

What is it that makes us get up in the morning and go to work? What makes us the best wives, mother's, co-worker's friends, etc? What makes us strive for better? Is it because of fear? Are we afraid that we will lose our jobs, husband's, friend's, or that our children will become teenage parent's and convicts? What is it that really motivates us?

This is your life motivated by fear .... You are afraid that you will lose your job if you are late so you get up on time. You are afraid that your children will misbehave if you don't discipline them. You are afraid of being alone so you deal with your spouse's bad habits. You are afraid of not having friends so you let them run all over you. Are your really living to your fullest or are you letting fear consume your life? Way deep down are you really motivated by fear? Does fear run your life? Are you a coward? Are you afraid? Or are you a strong creative individual that deserves a better life not full of fear. Fear makes you nervous and weak. Fear makes you settle. Fear makes you believe that you have the best there is.

I can only speak for myself when say that I do not let fear control my life. I am not a coward. I am not weak. I know that there is better out there for me and I am not afraid of getting it. I am not afraid of getting fired. I get up and go to work on time because it is what I WANT to do. I WANT money (and lots of it) to have a better life. I am not afraid of my children misbehaving. I WANT my children to be successful young people. I WANT to be successful. I WANT my relationship's to work. My life is driven by WANT not by need or by fear. This, I believe is what sets me apart, my want is stronger than my need or fear. I am afraid of nothing. Therefore, wanting is stronger than fear because if you are really strong enough you will fulfill all your wants and bypass all your fears, because really .. all fear is .. is fear itself.

Take time and think about it. What is your motivation?