Thursday, December 17, 2009

What every little woman wants for the hoilday's!

I am so glad that I am a woman today because I don't think that I could handle being alive as a woman in the 40's and 50's.  I would have to go postal!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I have joined forces!

With fall around the corner I have been encouraging my student's to donate some charity knitting. They agreed and we have started some squares for Warm Up America! and we plan to donate a whole blanket by this winter. One of my students Carolyn had showed some interest in Chemo Hats in memory of her mother, so I hopped on line and started searching. I found a foundation called The Hat Box Foundation (you should check out their site) I emailed them intending on some friendly chats and the ladies there are so helpful and nice. So I was brain storming one day and I decided to see if they were interested in joining forces. So now ... I am excited to announce that I have joined forces with The Hat Box Foundation! My Etsy Store will soon be up and running and I will be donating a hat to The Hat Box Foundation for every sale that I make. I am looking forward to helping them reach their goal for 2009, which is to reach all 50 states!

With all that said ... classes resume for me on Monday. I have mixed feelings about this. I am excited to return to school after a year off but (the infamous but) I don't want it to soak up all my extra time. I wish someone would hurry up and invent the time machine already! I need to stop the clock .. do what I need to do and start it again, keep dreaming right?

Friday, May 29, 2009

I know what I am doing

So today I had my first knitting class with Jamie and her mom, they are really two wonderful women, we had fun chatting and knitting. In fact we had so much fun that the class went on for two hours! How time flies when you are having fun! I left class feeling so refreshed and inspired. : ) it was good. So the main reason for this blog is to post a video that I found from CBS news about how knitting is good for your health, it increases your memory and so many other good things! Although you will have to excuse the editor's of the video they obviously don't know the difference between knitting and crocheting but it's OK us knitter's will forgive and forget : ) No more ramblings from me here is the video ... Enjoy!

Watch CBS Videos Online

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Blogging ...

I have been a bit of a slacker in the whole blogging process, I'll be the first to admit. So today I was reading an article and it said how important blogging is to your etsy career.

Here is what greenbeanbaby had to say "if you don't visit other blogs or check out photos of others, no one will know your blog exists... so that means, checking out people's links... go to popular blogs, go to average blogs, and find blogs by others who don't get much hits either... you may find some good online buddies who will inspire you and also give you a bit of confidence... after all, let's be honest- who likes keeping up with a personal blog if no one visits?! may sound superficial but it IS disappointing to find no one interested in what you do..."

I totally agree with her I need to get it together and join some blog's and have people follow my blog. So here is step one to my blogging effort.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A contest ..

So there is this contest in Knit Simple and I decided to enter to win. A 12x12 square for a reader made quilt. Sounds easy right?! Wrong! The dead line is in April and I just can seem to finish it! I need to sit down .. focus and get it done! If anyone can please help me out and give me the umph to get it done I would be forever indebted to you.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What is your motivation?

What is it that makes us get up in the morning and go to work? What makes us the best wives, mother's, co-worker's friends, etc? What makes us strive for better? Is it because of fear? Are we afraid that we will lose our jobs, husband's, friend's, or that our children will become teenage parent's and convicts? What is it that really motivates us?

This is your life motivated by fear .... You are afraid that you will lose your job if you are late so you get up on time. You are afraid that your children will misbehave if you don't discipline them. You are afraid of being alone so you deal with your spouse's bad habits. You are afraid of not having friends so you let them run all over you. Are your really living to your fullest or are you letting fear consume your life? Way deep down are you really motivated by fear? Does fear run your life? Are you a coward? Are you afraid? Or are you a strong creative individual that deserves a better life not full of fear. Fear makes you nervous and weak. Fear makes you settle. Fear makes you believe that you have the best there is.

I can only speak for myself when say that I do not let fear control my life. I am not a coward. I am not weak. I know that there is better out there for me and I am not afraid of getting it. I am not afraid of getting fired. I get up and go to work on time because it is what I WANT to do. I WANT money (and lots of it) to have a better life. I am not afraid of my children misbehaving. I WANT my children to be successful young people. I WANT to be successful. I WANT my relationship's to work. My life is driven by WANT not by need or by fear. This, I believe is what sets me apart, my want is stronger than my need or fear. I am afraid of nothing. Therefore, wanting is stronger than fear because if you are really strong enough you will fulfill all your wants and bypass all your fears, because really .. all fear is .. is fear itself.

Take time and think about it. What is your motivation?

Friday, January 30, 2009

Quick one ...

So just a quick blog because:

{A} I now have a power cord so I can blog if I want to
{B} I need to get some knitting done
{C} I want to start my new book
{D} kids get out of school in a few hours
{E} I have a cute story to share
{F} why not?

OK .. enough of that! So I have been going to the gym a lot .. like a lot a lot .. like 2 hours a day 6 days a week (yea I know tell me about it!). Me and Lance go together so it helps because we push each other when we don't want to go etc. So I'm on the cross trainer doing my thing and he walks by and winks at me .. I smiled, blushed and continued to work out and ALMOST FELL OFF THE MACHINE!! I was so embarrassed! I am just so glad that he didn't see it! But the bottom line he still makes me weak in the knees and it's been almost a year .. now if only I can bottle that up and always have that same passion for him we'll be good and last forever! Wait forever is a long time isn't it? Just kidding! Here is a pic of my newest project (love it!) Well happy knitting and I promise I'll eat tomorrow : P